Ibanez AD 100 Analog Delay Reviews 4

Ibanez AD 100 Analog Delay

Overall, great unit. I would have liked to see an expression pedal for this unit but they never made one. The unit is quite old, early to mid eighties and is still works like a charm. I love it and would not part with it. If it was lost I would replace it, but I think I would be hard pressed finding another one like it. I guess they are pretty r... [read more on Audiofanzine]

lmountain rated this unit 4 on 2001-12-01.

Overall, great unit. I would have liked to see an expression pedal for this unit but they never made one. The unit is quite old, early to mid eighties and is still works like a charm. I love it and would not part with it. If it was lost I would replace it, but I think I would be hard pressed finding another one like it. I guess they are pretty r... [read more on Audiofanzine]

lmountain rated this unit 4 on 2001-12-01.

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